- ÀÌ Á¦Ç°Àº 1/48 F-15C Eagle º°¸Å µ¥Ä® ÀÔ´Ï´Ù. - Æ÷ÇÔµÈ ¸¶Å·Àº ¾Æ·¡¿Í °°½À´Ï´Ù. Description: 1. Commemorative F-15Cs Missouri ANG - Cardinals World Series and Blues 110th FS. 2. Missouri Air National Guard: F-15C s/n 80-0043 in colorful commemorative scheme celebrating the St Louis Cardinals World Series, fall 2006 and F-15C s/n 80-0043 in St Louis Blues special trim, 2008. |